In addition to the sugar factory we have 30 KLPD most automated molasses based distillery which produces best quality rectified spirit and ethanol. We have also commissioned grain based distillery in March 2010 and are manufacturing grain ENA. We have erected biogas project. The gas generated from biogas plant is used as a fuel for boiler.
We have recently erected and commissioned 14.8.MW cogeneration project with advanced technology boiler of 90 TPH capacity and Siemens make turbine. The plant has been very well synchronized with Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (MSEDCL). We are exporting electricity to MSEDCL.
All the departments are computerized by adopting of latest techniques. The employees are imparted training in their respective fields by the reknowned consultants in the field. Various seminars in the field of agriculture, technical, human resources etc are arranged in order to have up to date knowledge of the developments in the industry. This has resulted in achieving the best technical results in the industry. Several cost saving measures are adopted and there has been saving in chemical consumption oils & lubricants. Major expenditure on industrial water intake has been curtailed by adopting measures like recycling of water thereby saving water and expenses incurred on it. Safety audit and risk assessment is done on regular basis in order to create safe working environment for the employees which in turn results in best performance at each level.